A farmer once said, "I milk a lot of cows but I churn my own butter."
The inspiration that we receive while studying the Bible is often complimented by a wide variety of outside sources as we work to craft a sermon. Articles we read, messages we have heard, and someone else's commentary on scripture can often give us insight into the meaning and application of the text that God has placed upon our hearts. Over the years I have also gleaned much from the sermon notes of others, particularly my friend Phillip Harrelson. This page is my effort to bless others in the same measure that I have been blessed.
Here, you will find notes from different series that I have taught and sermons that I have preached. While I have done my best not to "repackage" someone else's work, please know that I make no claim to complete originality in the material below. I have, indeed, milked a lot of cows as I have prepared my sermon offerings. If you are one of those sources, please know that you have my sincerest appreciation and I hope you find something useful here.